Description of a Blog
11/03/2021 This blog has existed in since November 2018 when I set it up as a means of using the domain name that I'd purchased a few years prior. Since setting this up the domain name has changed 3 times from to to . This is because I'm too cheap to pay for the renewal; or maybe I'm too smart to be conned by the DNS companies. My intention for this blog is to use it to more fully document the projects and curiosities that I find in my life. In a manner more full than can be reasonably achieved in an Instagram post, sort of like an online portfolio, accept I can't guarantee a general theme. The reason for doing this is to have something I can easily show off, but also I hope this will provide some motivation and on a really sunny day the chance to engage with other people on my wavelength. In general I can almost guarantee there will be posts on bicycle maintenance and old cameras. I'll probably also write about exp...