Description of a Blog


This blog has existed in since November 2018 when I set it up as a means of using the domain name that I'd purchased a few years prior. Since setting this up the domain name has changed 3 times from to to . This is because I'm too cheap to pay for the renewal; or maybe I'm too smart to be conned by the DNS companies. 

My intention for this blog is to use it to more fully document the projects and curiosities that I find in my life. In a manner more full than can be reasonably achieved in an Instagram post, sort of like an online portfolio, accept I can't guarantee a general theme. The reason for doing this is to have something I can easily show off, but also I hope this will provide some motivation and on a really sunny day the chance to engage with other people on my wavelength.

In general I can almost guarantee there will be posts on bicycle maintenance and old cameras. I'll probably also write about exploration I've been doing. This is all in the future tense right now because I've not got anything to show, but that should change soon. 

I have previously used my blog as a platform for venting my emotions, however this created the problem that I could not share my blog with anyone I didn't trust. I think that made writing about things I've been up to less compelling, since it would be complete chance for people to read them. I can't say that all the old posts on here are a reflection of my current self, but they are there for those who are interested. The old description of a blog can be found here for anyone who's really interested.